These include hunger, cowplant, burning, drowning, or embarrassment. There are various methods that ensure your Sim’s death. Whatever is the reason, you want to kill your Sim to attain that satisfaction. Or maybe you want to check out the effects that come with a certain kind of death?
Click on the checkmark button and start playing the game.So, you have nurtured your Sim into a vastly successful business tycoon and don’t see a point of further success. Now, choose your desired age group (baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, and elder). After that, you will see 8 options in a circle around your character and you have to choose the " modify in CAS" option. Now, hold the shift key and then click on your Sims 4 character. After that, press the " Escape" (Esc) button to close the command console. Now, in the pop-up window, type " cas.fulleditmode on". After that, you will see a message " Cheats are enabled" (if not, then follow the last step again). Now, when you will see a white line at the top of the screen, type “ testingcheats true” (You can also paste it by copying from here so that the margin of error gets escaped). Use a shortcut key " Ctrl + Shift + C" to open the command console. Now, the steps are given below on how to age up sims 4 cheat: If you follow these instructions closely and perform all the steps as instructed, it will take about 1 minute at most! There are nine easy steps on how to age up a toddler in Sims 4. Now let me tell you about this amazing game called "Sims 4." Sims 4 comes with an in-game option where you can change your character's age, which is perfect for the aging population of gamers. You don't even need to download any mod app. Note: It's so easy to use Sims 4 age up cheat. All of the options have their ups and downs, but age up cheat for Sims 4 is my favorite because all your abilities come right back with just one code! It's a rough road, I know! But don't worry - there are some tricks to help get that back for you in Sims 4 if you want it really bad enough. In this article, I'll be discussing how you use it in detail. The Sims 4 is a great way to make your character grow into an adult, but what if you want them to age up even more quickly? The Sims 4 age up cheat is here! You can now give your character the power to change their age whenever they want. You can create Sims and control their life to see what happens when they age from baby, toddler, child, or teen all the way through young adult, adults, and elders. The Sims 4 is a popular single-player game that lets you explore different personalities.